das undercoverfiction ensemble für neue musik und neues musiktheater
steht für die Entwicklung eines unabhängigen, freien, zeitgenössischen Musiktheaters. undercoverfiction interessiert sich für eine inhaltliche Auseinandersetzung mit politischen und zeitgeschichtlichen Themen, mit den Herausforderungen von Globalisierung und Interkultulturalität.
A new opera by Nélida Béjar and Björn Potulski for a choir consisting of sanitation workers, a jazz singer, synthesizer, and percussion. World premiere: 14 December, 2016, Schwere Reiter, Munich, Germany. In cooperation with Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb München (Munich Department of Sanitation); under the patronage of Mr Dieter Reiter, Mayor of Munich.
It is their hard work that safeguards modern civilization against drowning in its own refuse: Sanitation workers prevent our cities from being deluged with the masses waste they produce. «THE CITY» is a unique opera to celebrate metropolitan civilization as a universal concept shared by communities all around the world.
«This New Ocean»
A global opera by Nélida Béjar and Björn Potulski for mixed choir, five singers and an ensemble of 15 players. World premiere: 30 May 2014, Cuvilliés-Theater, Munich, Germany. African premiere: 18 July, 2014, Soweto Theatre, Soweto (Johannesburg), South Africa.
The performers are what makes this work truly distinctive: they are singers and actors who each day connect continents and nations, flight crew members working for Lufthansa, South African Airways, All Nippon Airways and S7 Airlines. Rounding out the cast are a number of Munich Airport staff members. A basic idea of the opera is the blue sky being the new ocean on which today’s vessels «sail» to bridge continents and nations. But it is not just the performance that focuses on the topic of globalization, it is the production itself which is truly global: after each rehearsal the performers scatter all over the world to meet up again shortly after for another rehearsal.